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Our Programs

Elementary Schools

Arthur F. Corey School

Arthur F. Corey School

Elementary School

Passion Programs: VAPA, STEM, GATE
Principal - LaRonda Ortega

Carl E. Gilbert

Carl E. Gilbert

Elementary School

Passion Programs: AVID, Art, GATE
Principal - Leslie Ramirez

Mabel L. Pendelton School

Mabel L. Pendelton School

Elementary School

Passion Programs: Computer Science, GATE
Principal - Loriann Leota

Charles G. Emery School

Charles G. Emery School

elementary School

Passion Programs: STEAM, GATE, Core Ethical Values
Principal - Jeselle Mata

James A. Whitaker School

James A. Whitaker School

elementary School

Passion Programs: Communication & Media Arts, GATE
Principal - Stephanie Williamson

News and Events


Partnership Spotlight: ¡Vamos Adalante! Parent Workshops

ProEdu, led by dynamic instructor Maria Rosales, just completed a six-part series of parent workshops in English, Spanish, and Korean called ¡Vamos Adalante! which focused on developing parent understanding of the English Learner program.


Washington Day - Non School Day
all day
Spring Break - Non School Days
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Spring Break - Non School Days
all day

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